Haiku Poem Rules and Structure

Express Your Joy by Writing Haikus

There wouldn’t be many poetry lovers across the world who haven’t heard of Haiku Poems. They come as a breath of fresh air because of their minimalism and despite their rigidity. Yes, with time, their structure has lost some of the strictness, but numerous rules still have to be followed. After all, you can’t classify all short poems as Haiku Poems. Even if they are Japanese!

Are You Up for It?

If you want to become a Haiku Poet in your free time, you needn’t worry too much. The steps and guidelines in this article will ensure that you are on the right track. Well, the first requirement for any work of literary art is that you have something you want to express. And Haiku Poems aren’t an exception in this regard.

Image Showing A Kid Haiku Poem In A Flower Background

The format of the Haiku Poems requires the poet to adhere to the 5-7-5 syllable structure. Some of you might think that a poem with only three lines can never be complicated. So, what’s the big deal? Why all this mystery and charm around them?

Well, their beauty is their simplicity. The fact is that you have to express what you feel in only seventeen syllables. And it might seem convenient and straightforward, but it is quite tricky. You shouldn’t forget that expressing your opinions and emotions in lengthy essays is simple because there are zero restrictions. Don’t you think seventeen syllables aren’t going to be enough?

Initially, you might falter. Finding accurate words and being extremely articulate doesn’t come naturally to many people. With time, you can continue improving your Haiku writing skills. The best way to do it is by reading as many Haiku Poems as possible. Ideally, you should spend time reading the works of Basho- one of the greatest Haiku Poets of all times.

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